Photography, Travel, Vlogging

Battle of Gettysburg Memorials Vlog (at Gettysburg, VA)

Over the family vacation, we got to visit Gettysburg, VA. We stayed there at a hotel overnight, providing us with the opportunity to visit the historic Gettysburg cemetery and the memorials for the Battle of Gettysburg on two occasions: the evening of our arrival and the following morning of our departure. The vlogged section of… Continue reading Battle of Gettysburg Memorials Vlog (at Gettysburg, VA)


Cemetery Photography

Like anything else in life, if you want to be good at photography you need to devote time, planning, and some pain to your craft in order to improve it. To get these eerie shots I had to rise early one morning when the conditions were perfect with fog. I think they turned out well:… Continue reading Cemetery Photography