History, Philosophy, Science and Health

The Foundation of Originality and Human Thought

+JMJ+ An essay by John Tuttle:   Cogito, ergo sum: “I think, therefore I am” is an observation by the influential French philosopher Rene Descartes which has since become a trite idiom of the English language. Nevertheless, it is a logical and foundational element to begin with, this concept that our very existence is tied… Continue reading The Foundation of Originality and Human Thought

Culture, Entertainment and Media

Robert A. Heinlein’s Stranger in a Strange Land Has Greatly Inspired Sci-Fi

Stranger in a Strange Land is truly quite strange. The storyline of the original 1961 novel by Robert A. Heinlein (author of Starship Troopers) is based around a human character raised by Martians. This main character, Valentine Michael Smith, returns to the planet of his own people: Earth. The title is taken from the Biblical quote from… Continue reading Robert A. Heinlein’s Stranger in a Strange Land Has Greatly Inspired Sci-Fi

Culture, personal, Relationships

Family and Forgiveness

Growing up in a Catholic family, I have examined the benefits of forgiveness since an early age. Can you imagine a mother with no forgiveness? I am sure they're out there, but a lack of this kind of charity does not make for strong, unified family relationships. And I'm quite thankful I had good parental examples.… Continue reading Family and Forgiveness