Photography, Travel

5 Useful Tips for Photographers Traveling to Italy

These are a few tips for my fellow photographers who have also caught the travel bug and happen to want to visit Italy and in particular the ancient city of Rome. I am hoping you find these simple tidbits to be informative and useful. Tip 1 - No Military Photos In visiting Rome, Italy, I… Continue reading 5 Useful Tips for Photographers Traveling to Italy

Photography, Travel

Many Italians Use Cycles and Scooters for Transportation

So my family and I were fortunate enough to be able to travel to Rome, Italy in order to pray for and celebrate with my cousin, a Catholic seminarian, who is being ordained a deacon. Anyhow, it's been a lot of walking, crowded bussing, and taxi rides. But it has also been an amazing time… Continue reading Many Italians Use Cycles and Scooters for Transportation