Photography, Travel

Visiting the Gettysburg Memorials and Washington’s Tomb Reinvigorated My Love for Obelisks

+JMJ+ As a kid, I managed to pick up a number of odd interests. They would come to include dinosaurs, sci-fi, and philately. Many of these remain keen areas of intrigue for me as a young adult. Imagery and imagination designated much of my early musings. But I also found ancient Egyptian culture just as… Continue reading Visiting the Gettysburg Memorials and Washington’s Tomb Reinvigorated My Love for Obelisks


4 Amazing Photos of Horses

All four of these photos that I took feature an equine or equines as the main subjects. They are given in order from oldest to newest. Animals can often make very good photographic subjects, and horses and their relatives are no exception. Next to dogs and cats, they are likely the most photographed domesticated animals… Continue reading 4 Amazing Photos of Horses

Photography, Travel

5 Useful Tips for Photographers Traveling to Italy

These are a few tips for my fellow photographers who have also caught the travel bug and happen to want to visit Italy and in particular the ancient city of Rome. I am hoping you find these simple tidbits to be informative and useful. Tip 1 - No Military Photos In visiting Rome, Italy, I… Continue reading 5 Useful Tips for Photographers Traveling to Italy

Photography, Travel

Visit to the Vatican Museums – Part II

In my recent posts, I shared some photography and video footage from my family's visit to the Vatican Museums. These primarily focused on the outdoor area on the roof of one of the buildings where seagulls liked to hang out. Only a few of the photos in this article will show objects out on the… Continue reading Visit to the Vatican Museums – Part II

Catholic, Photography, Travel

Visit to the Vatican Museums

While my family and I were in Rome, Italy, we were able to visit the Vatican Museums one morning. The tour we had arranged even included a breakfast beforehand. The walkway around this giant metallic globe was actually the rooftop of one of the buildings of the Vatican Museums. This area is the same location… Continue reading Visit to the Vatican Museums

Catholic, Travel

Visit to St. John Lateran

The St. John Lateran Basilica in Rome is dedicated to John the Baptist as well as John the Evangelist and is one of the four Papal Basilicas. The others are St. Peter's, St. Paul Outside the Walls, and St. Mary Major. John Lateran was once the palace of Emperor Constantine (who made Christianity a true religion… Continue reading Visit to St. John Lateran

Photography, Travel

Bikes of Italy

+JMJ+ As noted in a previous post, the cities of Italy are buzzing with their plethora of bicycles, scooters, and motorcycles. These photos I took in Rome showcase just a few of the numerous bikes ridden and displayed throughout Rome, Italy. In these photos, you will notice that many of the bikes are further beautified… Continue reading Bikes of Italy

Entertainment and Media, Travel

4 Ways in Which Hobbits Would Be Quite At Home in Italy

+JMJ+ 1) Transportation What is the most obvious quality about all hobbits noticeable at first glance? Their height! They are short in stature. Though not really small at all quite a few Italians are cramped into ridiculously small automobiles, some of which make our smart cars look like the new and enlarged model. Hobbits, being… Continue reading 4 Ways in Which Hobbits Would Be Quite At Home in Italy

Photography, Travel

Fountain Photography in Italy Part II

There are so many fountains in Rome, Italy, that it is impossible to count them or learn all of their names. But they provide water and beauty to the locals and visitors of Rome. These photos are just a few more examples of the fantastic fonts around the ancient city of Rome.

Photography, Travel

Cats on Motorcycles in Rome, Italy

The heart of Rome, Italy hosts people of all backgrounds and means. Adding to the crowded stone streets are numerous people trying to sell glasses, purses, scarves, nicknacks, souvenirs, selfie sticks, artwork, and other stuff to the tourists or anyone with interest. Walking along the old roads are also beggars, some faking their terrible conditions,… Continue reading Cats on Motorcycles in Rome, Italy

Culture, Photography, Travel

Many Italians Use Cycles and Scooters for Transportation

Of Intellect and Interest

So my family and I were fortunate enough to be able to travel to Rome, Italy in order to pray for and celebrate with my cousin, a Catholic seminarian, who is being ordained a deacon. Anyhow, it’s been a lot of walking, crowded bussing, and taxi rides. But it has also been an amazing time so far.

As an American tourist/pilgrim, I can point out a few differences between vehicles and driving in the States and vehicles and driving in Italy. For one thing, the average Italian car is smaller than most typical family-sized vehicles purchased in the U.S. And the semi trucks of Italy have very short front ends.

file0007 Credit: Hank’s Truck Pictures.

Traffic in the ancient city of Rome seems even more congested and hectic than in many big cities in the United States like Chicago, IL or Boston, MA. Just about everyone and his brother and his…

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